Chiropractor NE Philadelphia Disc Herniation Chiropractor, Non-Surgical Relief for Disc Herniation- Call Now! (215)632-3074- Northeast Philadelphia Chiropractic care in 19114,19115,1911619136,19152

Disc Herniation in Morrell Park, PA 19111

Herniated Disc pain relief in Morrell Park, PA

Herniated disc or bulging disc is an extremely common spinal injury, with thousands of people suffering from this condition. Our Morrell Park, PA chiropractor Dr. Stuart Himmelstein and his staff meet with every patient, and put together a comprehensive evaluation that will give you an individualized and personal recovery program.

Depending on the location herniated disc on the spine, it can cause excruciating pain, loss of range of motion, and can have other adverse effects. At our facility, we understand just how painful and difficult it can be to suffer from this debilitating spine condition.

Common Symptoms in Morrell Park, PA 19111 include:

Chiropractic Treatment in Morrell Park, PA 19111

Your Morrell Park, PA Chiropractor Dr. Himmelstein’s Non-Surgical approach to herniated disc treatment has helped many Chiropractic patients get relief from this painful spine conditions. Once herniated disc is confirmed, we will create and administer a formal Chiropractic treatment plan. This plan may include Spinal Decompression along with manual and physical therapy and other forms of alternative medicine.

Lifestyle Counseling – is a natural complement to Chiropractic adjustments and other traditional treatments, and can make a significant difference for your overall health. Lifestyle changes may help control the signs and symptoms associated with your spine condition.

CALL TODAY! (215) 632-3074 to schedule an appointment with our Morrell Park, PA 19111 chiropractor Dr. Stuart Himmelstein, and get relief from your herniated or bulging disc.

2 Locations To Serve You
PA Location
NJ Location
Emergency Service
Over 25 Years Experience